Animation Studies...
Natural Engineering
Major Project
~ In a post-apocalyptic world a patch of dirt and a robot must overcome their differences to make their friendship work.In the end they figure out a way to stay together and bring new life to the desolate world. ~
For UNI I collaborated with two other students to create a short animation which got nominated for JMC's Martini Awards Night.
My roles in the creation of Natural Engineering were
- Writer
- Co Director
- Main Designer + Art Director
- Texture Artist
- Motion Designer
- Lighting Artist
- Matte Painter
- Technical Director + Effects
- 1 of 2 Riggers
- 1 of 3 Modelers
- 1 of 3 Animators
Programs Used: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere Pro, Autodesk Maya, Substance Painter, Redshift.
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